Guide to posting your job role and ad package offer
We’re trying to make things simpler for you as we know it’s been a tough and challenging year so far. Since our site is number one for dental professionals seeking work, and we have almost 25,000* engaged users visit us per month then it makes sense for you to list your role with us for an efficient service.
Save money on job listings
Benefit from a discount offer between now and the end of December. So even if you’re not ready to recruit right now, you can come back to benefit from the saving any time before the end of the year.
We’ve made this short video to take you through the quick and easy process of posting on our site. Before you start, make sure you have your job description ready, your logo and credit card by your side.
Hear what Malcolm Barker from MBR Dental has to say about working with us:
And here are some quotes from other satisfied recruiters:
"The response from the ad was amazing. We found several excellent applicants. It is the only place I would advertise for associates and would recommend the option of online listing. The BDJ’s service was friendly, helpful and efficient." Dr. Vinai Patel London
"The BDJ continues to be one of the most successful recruitment methods for dentistry." Mr Alpesh Khetia B.D.S. Rodericks Limited
"Very easy to place ad – inundated with responses to position – excellent service." Mrs Sue Griffiths Stourbridge
"I was very pleased with my recent BDJ Classified ad for a Locum. I was able to select a number of candidates for interview and appoint within a narrow time frame. Advertising in the BDJ works effectively, thanks." Quentin Jones Principal St James Dental Practice Swansea
Time to start advertising with us.
*Google Analytics, January-October 2019